Friday, August 28, 2009


So proud of my oldest son! He made it into the FOCUS program...It's the gifted program at his elementary school. He took the test earlier this week to see if he could get in and the result was....he got in. Just received the notification so I'm happy. I feel that he's bored so he def. needs a challenge so the extra work will do him good. That reminds me of what one of my friends told me about her child. He's currently in 2 AP classes and wants to drop them because it's too much work and I didn't realize it but you have to go in front of the board and everything to see if they will approve you to drop it. Anyways, he wasn't allow to drop it because there wasn't a valid reason. He's just too lazy but the teachers said he was capable of handling the class so he was upset but like his momma said...he can do it! Now he has no choice. swear. If they could get out of it, they would. Anyways, I never did tell my neighbor because like you all said...they are just kids but I will keep an eye on them. lol...


  1. HEy lily!!(off topic) It was nice meeting you at the weddding. Sorry if I had seemed a bit rude, I was so clueless when you came up to me (too much alcohol).. But thanks for stopping me and introducing yourself to me!! It was very sweet!!! HOpe to see you around more often and at the upcoming New Year Events!!!! and Of coruse also around the blog worlds!!

  2. That is wonderful to hear about Christien. He need to step it up :) Just kidding. Give him lots of support & so very proud of him.

  3. Oh wow! that's great he got into those gifted classes! I sure hope that happens to Talan. Good luck! and thanks for coming by and of course thanks for your comments!!!

  4. Hi! thanks for following me. Your son is smart! I like his name, it was on my list of baby names. =P Are you from GA?
